Il sogno di Scipione - Teatro La Fenice


Il sogno di Scipione

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
La Fenice Opera House
La Fenice Opera House

Il sogno di Scipione K. 126, is a dramatic serenade in one act (azione teatrale) composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to a libretto by Pietro Metastasio, which is based on the book Somnium Scipionis by Cicero. Mozart had originally composed the work at the age of 15 for his patron, Prince-Archbishop Sigismund von Schrattenbach.

After the bishop’s death before it could be performed, Mozart dedicated it to Schrattenbach’s successor, Count Colloredo. It was given a private performance in the Archbishop’s Palace in Salzburg on 1 May 1772, although not in its entirety.
Only one aria, the final chorus and the recitative dedicating it to the new Prince-Archbishop were performed. It is highly unlikely that it was ever performed in its entirety in Mozart’s lifetime.



Conductor: Federico Maria Sardelli

Director: Elena Barbalich

Sets and costumes: Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia


Scipione  Giuseppe Valentino Buzza
Costanza  Francesca Boncompagni
Fortuna  Bernarda Bobro
Publio  Emanuele D’Aguanno
Emilio  Luca Cervoni
Licenza  Rui Hoshina

Fondazione Teatro La Fenice
in collaboration with Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia
Atelier della Fenice al Teatro Malibran

Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice

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