Margherita Santi was born in 1994 in Verona and began studying the piano at the age of 5 at the Piano Propaedeutics of Prof. Laura Palmieri, who immediately discovered and noticed her extraordinary talent. He made his public debut at the age of six. He has given solo and chamber music concerts in Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Germany, Austria and Bulgaria.
Rigore analitico e passione sono i caratteri distintivi dell’ensemble veneziano, qualità ereditate da due scuole fondamentali dell’interpretazione quartettistica: quella del “Quartetto Italiano” sotto la guida del M° Piero Farulli e la Scuola Mitteleuropea del “Quartetto Vegh”, tramite i numerosi incontri avuti con Sandor Vegh e Paul Szabo
Johannes Brahms Quatuor No 2 in a minor, Op. 59
Robert Schumann Quintet in E Flat Major, Op. 44
Margherita Santi piano
Quartetto di Venezia