Quartetto Adorno - Teatro La Fenice


Quartetto Adorno

Complete Beethoven Quartets
Sale Apollinee

The Quartetto Adorno made an international name for itself by winning the Third Prize, the Audience Prize and the Special Prize for the best performance of Silvia Colasanti’s contemporary piece in the 2017 edition of the International Competition “Premio Paolo Borciani”. In the thirty-year history of the Competition, no Italian quartet had obtained such an important recognition.



Edoardo Zosi and Liù Pelliciari – violins
Benedetta Bucci – viola
Stefano Cerrato – cello



16.10 – Ludwig van Beethoven

Quartets op. 18 n. 6, op. 135, op. 59 n. 3

17.10 – Ludwig van Beethoven

Quartets op. 127, op. 59 n. 1

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