Eko Dance Project - Teatro La Fenice


Eko Dance Project

Artistic Direction: Michela Barasciutti
Malibran Theatre
Malibran Theatre
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Eko Dance Project, under the direction of Pompea Santoro, presents an evening in which the theme of love and beauty are at the heart of the choreographies. The first one, (extracted from “The Sleeping Beauty” by Mats Ek), brings to the stage a profane love in the most humane sense of the term; a love born from the pain of a young woman who became addicted and destructive and has nothing to do with the sacral archetypal love, but reflects tragically on a decadent humanity and not an empathic one.


Estratti da “La Bella Addormentata”
Coreografia Mats Ek, musica Piotr Tchaikovsky


Coreografia Paolo Mohovich, musica G.F. Haendel

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