Santa Cecilia Folk Trio - Teatro La Fenice


Santa Cecilia Folk Trio

Sale Apollinee
Sale Apollinee
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Santa Cecilia Folk Trio

Ruggiero Sfregola violin and viola
Ilona Bálint viola, violin and singing
Francesco Di Donna cello


Ruggiero Sfregola, Ilona Bálint, Francesco Di Donna: they are three friends, musicians at the orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, the oldest Italian symphony orchestra and one of the oldest musical institutions in the world. In 2017 they formed the Santa Cecilia Folk Trio.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Divertimento KV563


Franz Joseph Haydn


Zoltán Kodály


Ernő Dohnányi
Serenata Opera 10


Béla Bartok
Duetti per due violini e musica gold dei Carpazi Orientali


Máramarosi Suite

Musica folk autentica della Transilvania

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