Concerts 2024/ 25 Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Teatro La Fenice


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Concerts 2024/ 25
from 06.12.24 Friday
to 07.12.24 Saturday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Hervè Niquet Concert
La Fenice Orchestra & Choir Conductor Hervè Niquet Chorus Master Alfonso Caiani Soloists of the Opéra Royal de Versailles ...
La Fenice Opera House
from 13.12.24 Friday
to 15.12.24 Sunday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Charles Dutoit conducts Debussy, Haydn and Dvořák
La Fenice Orchestra Conductor Charles Dutoit The concert lasts approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes, including one interval
La Fenice Opera House
from 17.12.24 Tuesday
to 18.12.24 Wednesday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Marco Gemmani & la Cappella Marciana
Francesco Cavalli Messa di Natale La Cappella Marciana Conductor Marco Gemmani The performance lasts approximately 75 minutes Maria ...
In other locations
from 29.12.24 Sunday
to 01.01.25 Wednesday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Daniel Harding conducts the New Year’s Concert 2025
hashtag on La Fenice social networks #CapodannoFenice La Fenice Orchestra & Choir Conductor Daniel Harding Chorus Master Alfonso Caiani ...
La Fenice Opera House
05.01.25 Sunday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Christian Arming conduct Strauss
La Fenice Orchestra Conductor Christian Arming The Concert lasts about 1 hour and 55 minutes including one interval
Malibran Theatre
from 24.01.25 Friday
to 26.01.25 Sunday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Alpesh Chauhan conducts Mendelssohn, Milhaud, Farrenc e Schumann
La Fenice Orchestra conductor Alpesh Chauhan The Concert lasts about 1 hour and 45 minutes, including one interval
Malibran Theatre
from 16.03.25 Sunday
to 28.03.25 Friday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Enrico Onofri conducts Haydn, Sacchini, Kraus, Sammartini, Boccherini
La Fenice Orchestra Conductor Enrico Onofri The Concert lasts about 1 hour and 30 minutes including one interval
Malibran Theatre
24.03.25 Monday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Cappella musicale Pontificia
Pontifical ‘Sistine’ Musical Chapel maestro of the Pueri Cantores Michele Marinelli maestro conductor Marcos Pavan Brass of La ...
In other locations
from 03.04.25 Thursday
to 05.04.25 Saturday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Rudolf Buchbinder plays Beethoven
La Fenice Orchestra Pianist and Conductor Rudolf Buchbinder
La Fenice Opera House
from 12.04.25 Saturday
to 13.04.25 Sunday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Ton Koopman conducts Bach's Matthäus Passion
La Fenice Orchestra & Choir Children's Choir Piccoli Cantori Veneziani Conductor Ton Koopman Evangelist Ian Bostridge Jesus Thomas ...
La Fenice Opera House
from 18.04.25 Friday
to 19.04.25 Saturday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Myung-Whun Chung conducts Mahler
Resurrection Symphony No. 2 in C Minor La Fenice Orchestra & Choir Conductor Myung-Whun Chung Chorus Master Alfonso Caiani ...
La Fenice Opera House
from 30.05.25 Friday
to 01.06.25 Sunday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Martin Rajna conducts Beethoven and Dvořák
La Fenice Orchestra conductor Martin Rajna
La Fenice Opera House
from 07.06.25 Saturday
to 08.06.25 Sunday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Manlio Benzi conducts Chopin and Sibelius
La Fenice Orchestra conductor Manlio Benzi piano Giacomo Menegardi Venice Piano Competition Premio Venezia 2023
Malibran Theatre
from 27.06.25 Friday
to 29.06.25 Sunday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Ivor Bolton conducts Stravinsky and Mendelssohn
soprano Francesca Aspromonte tenore Antonio Poli basso Luca Tittoto La Fenice Orchestra conductor Ivor Bolton
La Fenice Opera House
from 05.07.25 Saturday
to 06.07.25 Sunday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Stanislav Kochanovsky conducts Prokof’ev and Čajkovskij
La Fenice Orchestra conductor Stanislav Kochanovsky
La Fenice Opera House
from 05.09.25 Friday
to 06.09.25 Saturday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Daniele Rustioni conducts Mahler
La Fenice Orchestra conductor Daniele Rustioni soprano Rosa Feola
La Fenice Opera House
06.09.25 Saturday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Daniele Rustioni conducts Mahler (UNDER 35)
La Fenice Orchestra conductor Daniele Rustioni
La Fenice Opera House
27.09.25 Saturday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Giuseppe Mengoli conducts Mahler
La Fenice Orchestra conductor Giuseppe Mengoli
La Fenice Opera House
from 24.10.25 Friday
to 25.10.25 Saturday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Markus Stenz conducts Haydn and Brahms
La Fenice Orchestra conductor Markus Stenz
La Fenice Opera House
from 31.10.25 Friday
to 02.11.25 Sunday
Concerts 2024/ 25
Kent Nagano conducts Lully, Schubert and Strauss
La Fenice Orchestra conductor Kent Nagano
La Fenice Opera House