Akt Fotografie di Barbara Luisi Eternal Beauty - Teatro La Fenice


Akt Fotografie di Barbara Luisi Eternal Beauty

La Fenice Opera House


Photos by: Barbara Luisi

Exhibit by: Manuela De Leonardis

from March 21st until April 22nd, 2019

Vernissage Thursday March 21st  at 7:30pm
SPARC Spazio Arte Contemporanea
Campo Santo Stefano 2828a – Venice
from April 6th to April 30th, 2019
Musical Vernissage Sale Apollinee April 6th, 2019 at 5
Info VENICE ARTFACTORY – www.veniceartfactory.org
Barbara Luisi is possessed of the talent and insight to show the glorious but sinewy and tough reality of longevity itself. They document the scars of experience. Free from any cosmetic make-over and touched by the harsh beauty of grainy naturalism, her pictures show us as we are and nature as it is. They also show us what we might become and how we will be seen when the final curtain falls, as it always does!
Sir Peter Jonasl – January 2019
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