Young voices at La Fenice Opera House - Teatro La Fenice


Young voices at La Fenice Opera House

works by Leoncavallo, Donizetti, Bellini, Rossini
La Fenice Opera House
La Fenice Opera House
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Eight young opera singers from diverse international backgrounds mark the end of their year at the Mascarade Opera Studio by performing scenes from four of the most popular works of the Italian opera repertoire.

Mascarade Opera Studio artists

Manon Gleizes, Marianna Hovhannisyan – soprano
Aebh Kelly, Gabrielė Kupšytė – mezzo-soprano
Aaron Godfrey-Mayes – tenor
William Desbiens, Grisha Martirosyan – baritone
Lorenzo Barbieri – bass

La Fenice Orchestra
Conductor: Jonathan Santagada
Director: Pedro Ribeiro

The performance lasts about 2 hours including one interval

The Mascarade Opera Foundation is an independent non-profit organisation which founded the Mascarade Opera Studio, a 10-month opera training and performance programme that welcomes exceptionally talented young artists from all over the world, offering fully-funded places to eight singers and two répétiteurs each year. The programme is rooted in scientific research into performance psychology and, through artistic and professional coaching techniques of the highest standard, provides these artists with vital tools for their long-term careers. From September 2022, the programme will expand to become Mascarade Emerging Artists in collaboration with the Teatro La Fenice Foundation. Places on the new two-year programme will be fully-funded with artists receiving scholarships for their training, as well as maintenance and accommodation grants.


Ruggero Leoncavallo Pagliacci
«Si può?» Tonio (Prologue)
«Qual fiamma avea nel guardo» Nedda (Act I)
«Sei là?… So ben che difforme contorto son io» Nedda/Tonio (Act I)
«Silvio! A quest’ora…» Nedda/Silvio (Act I)


Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale
«Quel guardo il cavaliere… So anch’io la virtù magica» Norina (Act I)
«Vediamo: alla modista… Signorina, in tanta fretta» Don Pasquale/Norina (Act III)
«Qualche nota di cuffie e di merletti» Don Pasquale (Act III)
«Siamo intesi… Cheti, cheti immantinente» Dottor Malatesta/Ernesto/Don Pasquale (Act III)


Vincenzo Bellini Norma
«Sgombra, è la sacra selva» Adalgisa (Act I)
«Vanne, e li cela entrambi… Sola, furtiva, al tempio» Norma/Adalgisa (Act I)


Gioachino Rossini Il barbiere di Siviglia
«Dentr’oggi le sue nozze con Rosina… Se il mio nome saper voi bramate» Conte D’Almaviva/Figaro (Act I)
«Oh cielo… All’idea di quel metallo» Conte D’Almaviva/Figaro (Act I)
«Una voce poco fa» Rosina (Act I)
«Al fine eccoci qua… Ah qual colpo inaspettato!… Zitti zitti, piano piano» Figaro/Conte/Rosina (Act II)

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