Kinga Augustyn, violinist, trained at the prestigious Julliard School in New York, where she now resides. Her steadily expanding discography on major labels such as Naxos includes Paganini’s Capricci, which music critics consider “as convincing as Perlman’s or Midori’s recordings” and an “enduring reference” (Classical Net). Described as “elegant and vibrant” (The Strad Magazine) and “beyond incredible, a violinist from hell!” (The Fanfare Magazine), Kinga Augustyn is often
praised for her interpretations.
Corrado Ruzza, pianist, teacher of Chamber Music at the Riva del Garda branch of the Conservatorio Bonporti, deals with chamber music repertoires to which he dedicates his artistic and teaching activities. Over time, he has had many collaborations with important soloists that have led him to hold concerts in Europe and the United States. With violinist Domenico Nordio he recorded a CD for the UNICEF Channel with Schubert’s major compositions for this duo