Melodie udite e inaudite - Teatro La Fenice


Melodie udite e inaudite

Ex Novo Ensemble
Sale Apollinee
Sale Apollinee
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Ex Novo Ensemble
Daniele Ruggieri flute
Davide Teodoro clarinet
Carlo Lazari e Sara Mazzarotto violin
Paola Carraro viola
Carlo Teodoro cello

The excursus outlined by this year’s Ex Novo Musica Festival imagines a passing of the baton in the year 1924: the year of Ferruccio Busoni’s death, the year of Luigi Nono’s birth. Although there are no pieces by Luigi Nono on this evening, the concert layout bears witness to his generous enthusiasm in helping young emerging artists, whom he welcomed without formalities, almost as brothers, and with whom he established a fervent debate on the role and function of new music in the society and culture of his time. Among the artists respected and encouraged by Nono, Salvatore Sciarrino and Claudio Ambrosini represent two gems of the contemporary music scene whose works lead us into a world open to unprecedented refinements of timbre always grafted into solid dramaturgical contexts


works by Claudio Ambrosini, Ferruccio Busoni, Giorgio Federico Ghedini, Salvatore Sciarrino, Giacinto Scelsi, Robert Schumann

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